abril 08, 2008

Sexism in the City

As one of only a handful of women in her office, the girl on the podcast says she was known as 'airbags', a reference to her breasts. She joins Jenni to discusses the challenge of tackling sexism in The City, along with Sarah Bond, who works for city firm KPMG, and Andrea Nicholls, an employment lawyer.
The conversation was concentrated in the way of industry workers and how woman life is depending on the kind of job they have or the envioroment in the work place or the relation between employes clients and coworkers.
One of the speakers said that it was kind of hard to get out from her job or the industry,because in certantly point she have enjoy the time she last on it, but on her opinion there must be a balance between work and family and keep it that way is not easy so she prefers to get out of that area; as in the programm is mentioned it is a comun posibility,unless you are someone young because is easier to focus on succes than in family and although man thinks that woman are less ambitious. This comment is a big mistake, thinking in that way it just that there are other circunstances involved in woman`s jobs.
The relation that females employees have with their clients is too different than the relation that man have, of course because clients´ behavior plays and important role.
The reporters proposed an example where a client invits a famAle worker to have some drinks into a nigth club and they think that in some cases this situation could be undignity as the reporter mention by the pass of the amount of alcohol they consume the famale employee`s risks increase so is recomendable to drink less that male clients;it show the difference between a men work apointment and a woman ones,but siriusly talking some of flearting can help for close a big and important proyect or gat a big account, so women has a tool than men doesn`t have.
In conclution is a very good option to afront this problem and it`s recomended for female workers to speak out about any disturb on her own,also it`s very accuard to have a touft place of work so try to make a more comfortable place of it for woman who work.

1 comentario:

Verónica Poujol dijo...

I am very happy to see how your reports have become better and better. May be it has to do with how interested , or involved you get on the subject.
